Tag Archives: pH Miracle

More complaints to the ASA and the Evening Standard

The Evening Standard still haven’t replied to my last last email so I thought I’d send them another one:

Dear Charlotte,

I am still awaiting your response to my last email (see below). I would like to point out that I feel strongly about this issue and am not able to simply forget about it now that the article has been removed from the website. Continue reading

My response to their response to my response to the ‘PH’ article

I was pleased to get a personal response from journalist Victoria Stewart following my complaint about her stupid ‘PH’ article. I was even more pleased to discover the Evening Standard had removed the article in question from their website. I did not however feel they had gone far enough and outlined my concerns in another email: Continue reading

The Evening Standard’s response to my ‘PH’ complaint

Since my complaint about the ‘PH’ article, I have had an email from charlotte.ross@standard.co.uk:

Thank you for your letter regarding the article: Raise Your pH. Victoria Stewart’s response is included below. Continue reading

‘Raise your PH level like a celebrity’ says the London Evening Standard

Following a tip off by Ben Goldacre, I was shocked to read this article by Victoria Stewart of the Evening Standard, which appeared in yesterday’s ES magazine. (EDIT: The article has since been removed from the Standard site but can be found here.)

It contains such gems as ‘the average sleep-deprived, hard-partying Londoner will probably have an acidic pH level below 7’. Continue reading

Why do UK websites not publicise ‘Dr’ Robert O Young’s revolutionary theories?

We have established that Robert Young’s views on diet and health are somewhat unusual and contradictory to science. Are those UK practitioners and nutritionists who promote his diet aware of his more controversial beliefs about diabetes and viruses? If so, do they share his beliefs? Why are his most revolutionary theories not mentioned on their websites? Continue reading