Tag Archives: pH Miracle

Dear Daily Mail, it was irresponsible of you to promote ‘Dr’ Robert O Young’s wacky theory

I was made aware yesterday of an article in the Daily Mail entitled ‘How too much cheese and meat can make your body dangerously acidic’. I found this impossible to ignore and emailed the following to the author of the piece, copying in letters@dailymail.co.uk: Continue reading

Are UK Blood Clinic implying cancer can be reversed by following their diet?

(EDIT: The UK Blood Clinic website and video have now been removed, presumably as a result of my complaints.)

I came across the UK Blood Clinic site recently and used FishBarrel to complain to the ASA and Consumer Direct. As often seems to be the case, I believe the company are making a number of misleading statements on their website. But there’s more to it than that… Continue reading

The Evening Standard’s ultimate response to my ‘PH’ complaint

Today’s Evening Standard features a column by their in house doctor, Christian Jessen in which he responds to my complaints and sets the record straight on alkaline diets, which he describes as ‘silly but harmless’.

I am pleased that Dr Jessen has pointed out just how nonsensical these kind of diets are. I am also glad to see he has pointed out Robert Young’s lack of credentials.

This is a result! I feel I can now draw a line under the whole thing.

Just one slight niggle… Continue reading

ASA complaints provoked by the Evening Standard ‘PH’ article

I have already made several complaints to the ASA regarding live blood analysis. I thought I had made my point and had been planning to forget about LBA for a while and concentrate on the Nightingale Collaboration’s Focus of the Month. Following my complaint about the Evening Standard’s ‘PH’ article last week however, and after examining the related company websites, I felt I should inform the ASA of my concerns. Continue reading

Alkaline Diets and the Evening Standard

I have had a response from the Evening Standard!

“Thank you for your last email, which I passed on to Victoria.
In today’s health pages our in-house doctor, Christian Jessen, has addressed the subject of alkaline diets in his column.
Best regards

I look forward to reading the column.