Tag Archives: Errol Denton

Live blood quack Errol Denton handed court bill for £19,000

UPDATE 11/10/14

On 10th October 2014, Denton lost his appeal against his conviction. He said he is now bankrupt and has no means of paying the £7,000 in fines and costs.


Live Blood Analysis quack Errol Denton was handed a £19,000* court bill today.

As reported here:

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Live Blood Analysis: no health claims allowed

Practitioners should not be making health claims for Live Blood Analysis. Not a single one. There is no evidence to support them.

The UK Committee of Advertising Practice (CAP) have published guidance on Live Blood Analysis, which advises

CAP is yet to see any evidence for the efficacy of this therapy which, without rigorous evidence to support it, should be advertised on an availability-only platform. Continue reading

Live Blood Analysis and the ASA: a catalogue of complaints

Live Blood Analysis (also known as “nutritional microscopy”) is a quack diagnostic technique which was described as ‘fraudulent’ by Professor Edzard Ernst as long ago as 2005 and which has already been covered many times on this blog.

When I first heard about Live Blood Analysis, I was so shocked by what I found that I was moved to act. Happily, the ASA had just extended their online remit to include company websites.

The following list details the outcomes of all the ASA complaints I know of concerning live blood analysis and its practitioners. Continue reading

Denton’s dirty tricks campaign continues

UPDATE 18/01/13: It appears that Denton has been paying people to sign a petition against me and Jo Brodie. A new Twitter account (@FightRacism2) has also been set up to promote this petition and to spread malicious untruths about us. For further details, see Jo’s Storify post hereThe RationalWiki entry for Errol Denton is also being kept updated with recent developments and new, relevant links.


Since my last post on Errol Denton, it was beginning to look like he had perhaps had second thoughts about his hateful, unfounded smear campaign.

There is no current petition against me and Jo Brodie. The apparently anti-racist Facebook group against us has disappeared. The photographs of Jo have gone from Errol’s ‘Black Microscopist’ page. And he hasn’t written a blogpost against us since the 18th of November.

Instead, Errol seems to have been trying his hand at comedy. He has suggested we should all be ‘eliminating’ 5ft of faeces a day (if not, you’d better get a colonic!), he’s conjured up images of gorillas blowing their noses and he has claimed that the bacteria (yes, bacteria) that cause colds live in the colon. Perhaps it isn’t coughs and sneezes that spread diseases, but farting. Continue reading

Denton’s dirty tricks campaign

UPDATE 18/01/13: It appears that Denton has been paying people to sign a petition against me and Jo Brodie. A new Twitter account (@FightRacism2) has also been set up to promote this petition and to spread malicious untruths about us. For further details, see Jo’s Storify post hereThe RationalWiki entry for Errol Denton is also being kept updated with recent developments and new, relevant links.


Live blood quack Errol Denton seems to think Jo Brodie and I are being unfair to him. He claims we’ve been cyber bullying him for two years, purely because of the colour of his skin. We are lower than a cockroach’s belly, apparently.

Of course, Errol hasn’t substantiated any of these claims. Like many of the claims on his sites, they are totally without foundation. Continue reading