Monthly Archives: July 2011

Dear Daily Mail, I don’t think cheese and meat are making our bodies dangerously acidic

UPDATE (17/07/11) I have not yet received a reply to the email below so I have just sent the following:

I am disappointed that I have still had no reply to the attached email (regarding How too much cheese and meat can make your body dangerously acidic published on 28th June).

As I have outlined below, I believe the article in question contained a number of inaccuracies. I therefore believe it was in breach of the Press Complaints Commission Editors’ Code (with respect to Accuracy). I plan to lodge an official complaint with the PCC if the matter is not resolved shortly.

I look forward to a reply from you over the next week or so.


Following my complaint about the Daily Mail’s recent alkaline diet article and her unsatisfactory reply, I have just (08/07/11) emailed the Daily Mail’s Good Health Editor with the following… Continue reading

Daily Mail Good Health Editor still believes carbon dioxide is the main source of alkaline material in the body

I’ve had a reply from the Daily Mail’s Good Health Editor following my recent complaint about an article entitled ‘How too much cheese and meat can make your body dangerously acidic’: Continue reading