Monthly Archives: August 2011

Colloidal Silver and the Law. A summary and update.

As I first explained here, I have been trying to find out what the laws are regarding the sale and manufacture of colloidal silver products in the UK and how they may be implemented.

As I said in my last post, colloidal silver has never been licensed as a medicine, nor is it permitted in food supplements. I have since had further correspondence with the MHRA, the Advertising Standards Authority and my local Trading Standards office which I feel is worthy of note. I also feel I need to answer critics by explaining the reasons for my concern about colloidal silver and my recent actions. Continue reading

University of Westminster, I still believe you are teaching pseudoscience degrees and am surprised your Life Sciences people think otherwise

In June, I emailed Professor Geoffrey Petts, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Westminster, in support of the Nightingale Collaboration’s Focus of the Month ‘Pseudo science by degrees‘.

He did not reply to me personally but sent this response to the Nightingale Collaboration. Since I was unimpressed by this and have now given up hope of receiving a personal reply from Professor Petts, I have emailed him the following: Continue reading

ASA not able to pursue all my Live Blood Analysis complaints… Hopefully compliance action across the sector to follow.

Finding out about Live Blood Analysis, a highly dubious procedure with similarly dubious practitioners was what gave me the impetus to start making complaints and blogging. I am now hopeful that the Advertising Standards Authority will reward my efforts with compliance action across the sector. Continue reading

Daily Mail adamant cheese & meat make us dangerously acidic and carbon dioxide is source of alkaline material. I give up.

Since the Daily Mail failed to respond to my email pointing out what I believe are inaccuracies in their article ‘How too much meat and cheese can make your body dangerously acidic‘, I sent a follow up email threatening to lodge an official complaint with the PCC. Continue reading